Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The Scrap Exchange

Welcome to Day 2 of Clean-Out-the-Memory-Card Month! Hmm. That's not quite catchy enough. Perhaps just Memory Card Month? What do you think?

This morning I was looking through the pics on my newest memory card & I got nervous. I don't know if I can stretch this out for 30 days. It isn't that I don't have 30 pics to show you! I definitely have more than that. It's just that I hate breaking them up into just one or two images a day. Some days when I have the time I will definitely have to post more.

Today is one of those days.

All of today's pics come from The Scrap Exchange, a "non-profit creative re-use station" located in downtown Durham. This place is hard to describe. The basic idea is that they save stuff that would normally end up in landfills & encourage people to use it to make art! You can find all kinds of stuff there ... some of it more familiar than others.

There's even a lot of practical stuff like fabric, glass bottles, picture frames, and floor tiles. I was very tempted to snatch up some of these spools of serger thread.

Forgive the blurriness. Forgive, I say!

The warehouse is kinda dark and dusty (and REALLY difficult to photograph), but worth the effort. My favorite part? The little touches added by the staff.

I probably should have taken george here when she was visiting back in January, but for some reason it slipped my mind. Next time, g. Next time.


georgeious said...

this is totally on my next time list for durham. i've been on their website and the place looks super awesome. maybe i should start one here!

Mary said...

I've heard that other towns have places like this - usually with words like "Junk-tion" in the name. It would a cool thing to have in Tulsa!