Q: So, Mary, you havn't posted a new entry on your blog in, like, forever. What's that about? Are you okay?
A: Yes, Mary, I'm fine. In fact, I'm doing much better today than I have been. After many weeks of feeling craptacular, I actually have some ENERGY today!
I'm still coughing a lot, but this natural injection of energy is thrilling after spending so many weeks in my pajamas. This morning I woke up and I worked out! Gasp! And I scrubbed the bathtub before I took a nice, long shower. And I actually left the house & scratched some errands off of my list (bank, grocery store, etc.) and I did
not feel exhausted when I got home! This is really major, folks. Seriously. I'm thrilled. So thrilled that I almost went out to buy new curtains for the living room this evening before coming home to make shepherd's pie for dinner. I did not do that, though, as I'm afraid that might be pushing things.
I have a habit of pushing things, ya know. One of my oldest friends once said that I am the sort of person who is either "going 100 miles per hour or is at a complete standstill". He was so right. I will sit around on my ass for days and days, just allowing my to-do list to get longer & longer. But once that list reaches critical mass, I jump up and try to get everything done in, like, 2 hours. I need to have a lot of things to do in order to work up the energy to do just one thing. I'm weird like that. The only exception to this rule is dishes. I'm pretty good at doing dishes every day, no matter how many are dirty.
So. Anyway. Enough rambling. My latest load of laundry is almost done & it's about time to start chopping onions. Pray that I still have some of this energy left in me tomorrow!