This post is going to be super random. Just warning ya.
Last Wednesday was Corey's birthday! Yay! If you haven't done so already, call him up & wish him a happy belated. For his b-day, I gifted Corey with knowledge ... specifically, the knowledge that Cracker/Camper Van Beethoven were performing in Tulsa on Friday night. This made his week, or so he told me. So you see? There are good cheap gifts to be found!
In other friendly news, Megan is doing a temporary dancing gig in Ashville, so that means I have a friend in the same state as me! Woo hoo! We're going to get together here next weekend. And I have already noted that her visit will coincide with Hillsborough's Hog Day. Jealous, aren't ya?
Tim and I finally have some fishies in the house. Last week Tim bought 3 guppies - a male and two females. We even settled on some names. There's ...
- Lymon, a female who has a lemon-lime coloring going on. And I know quite well that Lymon is really a male name, but I don't care. Her name is Lymon. Hope my dad finds it flattering.
- And then there's a blue & orange male named Parminderjit ("Parmy" for short) whom we have named after one of Tim's old friends in Sheffield. Parmy the Fish looks kinda like the pic here, only not so fuzzy. Parmy the Person is a professional stage manager, so even though I've never met him, he's all good in my book.
- Lastly, there's a silver and orange female. I think we might name her June ... simply because we got her in June and I haven't come up with a better name. Got a better idea? Pass it on. I'm easily influenced.
Anywho, this morning we awoke to discover that one of the ladies had given birth! So we have 5 teeny tiny baby guppies swimming around near the top of the tank. I guess we got 8 fish for the price of 3! Hooray for free fish!
Lately george and I have been spending a lot of time talking about how weird it is to move away from a town you've known for a long time. I'm sure that the handfull of you who read this blog know what I'm talking about because it seems like all of our friends have suffered through a big move - be it to a new state or even a new country. One thing I realized in Tulsa was that I knew a lot of people and I was accustomed to opening up the paper and seeing familar faces - people I knew in real life. I realized that at our new home, I would open the paper and none of the people would be familiar to me. I wouldn't know any of their stories. I wouldn't get the sly political inside jokes. All of that.
So I must say that it was quite something to find a couple of our friends between the pages of People magazine this week! Kinda odd, but comforting, too. Almost made me feel like I was reading Urban Tulsa! So I think that from now on, all of our friends and aquaintances should strive to put themselves in the national news, just so that we can feel more connected - more at home. It doesn't have to be printed media; NPR or televison will do. So hop to it, peeps! Do something newsworthy! Or just call up "Wait Wait - Don't Tell Me" & inform them you have to take the quiz because ya love me!
Go on now. I'll wait.
And while we wait, here's what I've been watching on You Tube this week.
First, there's this clip I found through NPR. Star Trek Cribs. Welcome to the Spock Casa!
Then theres the Monkey Chow Guy. This Canadian guy (who looks suspiciously similar to one of my brothers) decided to eat nothing but zoo-grade monkey chow for a week. Now he understands why monkeys in the zoo throw their own feces at people. His video diaries can be found here.
Remember Simon and his land of chalk drawings? Well, you don't just have to rely on memories anymore. This episode in particular made me think of Derek & George.
Last, but certainly not least, there's the Teeny Little Super Guy teaching a lesson that I still need to remember when I head out into the big wide world. Enjoy!
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kris here - just wanted you to keep an ear out, joshua and i will be attending a recording of 'wait, wait don't tell me' this week in kc. i will let you know when it is to be aired.
uhhh, kris is totally gonna scrape and claw her way to that mike and show off her intellect as a way to express her love for us, right? we need that "message in a bottle" them to keep on going!
la people are so impressed by our friends. hehehehe
just so you can feel totally at home i thought i would share with you the information that my sort of sister-in-law (boyfriend's sister-in-law does that count?) writes for the local paper in your neck of the woods. her name is lisa hoppenjans. now you can open the paper, or pop online and feel comfortable knowing that you are like 3 degrees removed from a local reporter.
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