Monday, June 01, 2009

OBX with the fam - part 3

It's been a whole week since we got back to the beach & I'm still in a funk. I miss it! I miss playing cards and splashing about in the waves and eating dinner at a big table full of my loved ones! But enough whining. On to the photos!

The weather stayed cool until Tim arrived on Wednesday, but we managed to find plenty to do. We realized that we could see the Currituck Beach lighthouse from our 3rd floor balcony ...

... so we moseyed on down the road to check it out in person.

The area around the base of the lighthouse was absolutely adorable. Great old houses, quaint landscaping, etc. I wish I'd documented it better. I managed to snag a cute shot of Fay, Sammy, and Buster, so that's got to count for something, right?

Just a hop, skip and a jump away from the lighthouse is the nature center. They have some interesting exhibits about the wildlife in the area. I was oddly entranced by the display of old swan decoys.

Some of these decoys are about 80 years old. A number of them are made of fabric stretched over a wire frame. I especially love the decoy on the top right. It's a swan butt! Tee hee. Did I mention that I am 5?

Here's the view of the area outside the nature center from the footbridge.

It may have been too chill to put on a swimsuit, but at least it was windy enough to fly kites.

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