Friday, May 16, 2008

Random kvetches and stuff

Anti-kvetch: Today I mailed the final car payment for my Corolla. Woot! This is so exciting! The debt is paid! It's so nice to know that we'll have that extra bit of cash every month now. Wee!!!

Anti-kvetch: I bought flowers and herbs this week and I planted them and they make me happy. I even planted some mint in its own little pot. In my world, mint = mojitos, so this makes gardening extra exciting. Wee!!!

Anti-kvetch: Did I mention that the weather has been very nice? And that it has been raining and everything? And that the drought is over and that I can shower and flush the toilet whenever I want now? What a relief! And yes, that pun is intended.

Kvetch: Silly grocery issues.
Kvetch 1a: The Trader Joe's near my house does not sell papadons. There is shelf upon shelf upon shelf of tortilla chips, but not a single popadon to be found. I have checked numerous times over the last couple of months and the problem remains. This. ain't. right.
Kvetch 1b: I can't find Lucky Charms in this town. How bizarre is that? Lucky Charms can't be a regional thing, can it? Certainly Lucky Charms are sold in this state. But they didn't have them at the store!

By the by, this is my way of telling goerge that, no, I cannot mail popadons to her. And no, I will not be able to post a photo of Tim eating a specific cereal as was requested by her this week. Nor will I be posting a photo of me in my bathing suit as george also requested, because ... dude, I am not a desperately lonely and misguided 14 year old, mkay? And this isn't a freakin' MySpace page. It's a blog! It's classier than that shit, ya dig?


In honor of georgious, here is a Random Side Note:
Last night Tim and I were riding along in the car & listening to the radio when a new song began. Tim identified it as Foreigner's "Double Vision" within the first 3 notes of the song. I find this new-found talent rather ... disturbing. However, he would probably feel just as disturbed if he heard me singing along to Salt n Pepa's "Whatta Man" this afternoon, so it's all good.

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