Tim and I are staying in tonight, so I thought I'd post something.
Hmmm ... what to say, what to say ...
Today was Janine's wedding day! Hope that all worked out well for her. Hope the ceremony was lovely. Hope they had a good time at the reception. Hope she doesn't suffer too badly from post-wedding let-down. After our wedding, I had a lot of feelings like, "What? That's it? That's really it? Shouldn't I, you know, feel different or something?" I was stressin'. Of course, I say this as if "stressin'" isn't a normal state of existence for me, but you know what I mean. Anywho, it was much nicer when I relaxed & started to settle into Happily Married Mode. It took a couple of months, but I got there. Since then I've gotten a bit smug about our wedding. I see those shows on TV about weddings & crap and
every single time I think, "Our wedding was SOOOO much nicer than that." Hell, we actually impressed my sister-in-law with our choice of venue. And that is saying a LOT, my friends.
So, what was I saying? Oh yeah. Congrats to Janine and Jason!
I read that george and Derek will be going to a street fair thingy today. Last weekend there were a lot of various festivals and fairs in our area, but we didn't go to any of them. We were going to do something, but then we got terribly busy with the whole house thing. And it rained a ton. We thought about going to Apple Chill (
http://applechill.com/ ) but it was crazy-busy! No place to park. And cops ev.er.y.where. Plus it was hot and steamy from the previous rainstorms. So we went home. Probably a good thing, too, because there were shootings at Apple Chill ... which, what do you know, is just one of the many traditions of the annual festival! Which is why the place was crawling with cops! And which is why there will not be another Apple Chill festival. Ever. It's all over, kids. The town council voted unanimously to cancel it. Here's an article about it for those who have too much time on their hands:
http://www.newsobserver.com/102/story/432485.htmlBut you know what? Who needs Apple Chill! As long as we have pastries, we're all good, right? That's right! Which brings us around to Guglhupf (
http://www.guglhupf.com/ - click the "Cafe" link for piccies). Guglhupf is a bakery/patiserie/cafe in Durham. Tim and I went there for snacks last Saturday. Unfortunately, Saturday afternoon is a very popular time to go to such places. But I liked it. I had the best chai latte EVER. So delicious. And I tested a croissant. I thought it'd be good to see how well they could tackle the basics, you know. Buttery goodness. Yum. Tim did not seem terribly impressed, but that's probably because it was so busy. I'd really like to go back when it's quieter. Maybe get something fancier. Bring home a loaf of bread. That kind of thing. And you know, if Tanya got a job there, I bet she could bring me discounted day-old baked goods. That would kick SO much ass!!!
But back to this week. I am currently reading Girlbomb by Janice Earlbomb. Janice is one of my faaaavorite people at the on-line community where I hang. She also has a blog (check out the link on the right). She kicks much ass. Enormous quantities of ass. In fact, even when she's just relaxing at home, she'll grab a handful of ass & kick it around like a hackysack. You get what I'm saying. Oddly enough, she rather likes me, too (as she proclaimed publicly just this week! Without any prompting from me!). Which absolutely astounds me because she's so massively talented. Anyway, her book has TOTALLY sucked me in. Loving it to bits. I can't remember the last time a book took over my life & my thought processes as much as this baby. I wish it were longer. It has also proven to me once and for all that my adolescence was massively safe and uneventful. On the weekends, my friends and I would eat ice cream while watching Ren & Stimpy until the wee hours. Janice, on the other hand, was partaking in every vice known to man. My parents got off s
ooooo easy. But then again, there was no abuse going on in my parents' house.
Reap what you sow, people.